·        Sufficient exercises for practiceand revision in both the textbooks and practice books
·        Excessive practice isprovided for pupils tomaster numberformation
·        Detailed explanationof core mathematicalconcepts
·        Subject matter iscovered accordingto the prescribedsyllabus in acreative manner
·        Follows spiral approach thatis the prior concepts areregularly tested and revised in the following books
·        Present real life situations andexamples to relatemathematics todaily life
·        Ample practice is given for each topic covered in the textbook
·        Exercises organisedin the increasing order of difficulty
·        Guided practice is providedfor individual learners
·        Style and vocabulary used suits the age level of students
·        Contains exercises to challenge mathematicallygifted students
·        Exercises are designed in order to develop thinking and reasoning power of students at an early age |
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